BLOCK 840,000

Artist statement: I find myself in contemplation, navigating the delicate balance between promoting this work and avoiding the allure of fleeting trends, such as the upcoming famed Runestone drop on April 20th. In creating this artwork, I aim to extend and honor the essence of resilience within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

My intention is not to chase hype but to embody integrity through my creative expression, contributing to the rich tapestry of the Bitcoin space. This piece is a reflection of the dedication, perseverance, and ingenuity inherent in those who participate in the world of Bitcoin.

By delving into the complexities of this digital realm, I seek to capture the essence of its ethos, paying homage to the hard work and innovation that underpins its Runestone existence. Through my art, I aspire to elevate the conversation surrounding Bitcoin, inviting viewers to contemplate its significance and impact on our world.

In a landscape often dominated by speculation and sensationalism, my aim is to offer a nuanced perspective, grounded in authenticity and respect for the principles that define the Bitcoin ecosystem. This work serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and discovery that drives us forward in this ever-evolving digital frontier.

Sincerely, Kenneth B.